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Reprinted from "THE NEWS"
Photo by Michele Duke

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Pastor Robert Jolly began preaching at the Kingstree Presbyterian Church in May. Prior to this, he spent eight years at Sardinia Presbyterian Church in Clarendon County and before that he was a banker for 20 years. Pastor Jolly’s first trial sermon was in April 2019 in which he stated, “I am a sinner saved by grace and beyond that I am a hillbilly who married way over my head.”  When speaking of his wife he says,“she is beautiful, discerning, smart and a great mother to our five children.”

Pastor Jolly said the church is grounded in God’s word ministering to families through marriage study groups and youth outreach.  Furthermore, he feels personally burdened for men’s ministry and equipping them to lead in their homes, businesses and church. As a congregation, they minister to families. 

Currently the church has approximately 150 members who

are engaged in worship, discipleship, fellowship, and outreach.

“Priority number one for us is worship. Just behind worship is

discipleship meaning growing in their faith through things such

as Sunday school and Bible study,” said Jolly. He added the

third priority is fellowship, which is simply having fun together.

“We have a fun church that enjoys doing life together.”

The church wants to reach out to share blessings in the community and around the world in the name of Jesus Christ. As an example, they are working on a program for children in school called “Release Time Bible Study.” They also extended their reach by raising funds for water filtration in third world countries, and one of their members is serving in the Middle East. A native to Cades, she is working with Global Aid Network.

They are also focused on sharing the love of Christ by providing critical care to refugees and those in need. Global Aid Network seeks to relieve suffering, restore dignity, and reveal hope to those living in the toughest places on earth.

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