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Kingstree Presbyterian Church

The Service of Worship

​The Lord’s Day                      December 22, 2024

When the music begins, let us enter a time of silent, meditative prayer

and prepare our hearts and minds to worship the Triune God.

 Praise Songs and Prelude      

 Welcome and Announcements                                                              Will Carsten   Choral Call to Worship

*Gloria Patri                                                                                                  No. 623

*Invocation and Lord’s Prayer        

*Hymn                                              Joy to the World!                                   No. 125

*Affirmation of Faith                          Apostles’ Creed              

 Special Music                                                                                  


*Doxology                                            Old Hundredth                                  No. 625

*Offertory Prayer 

 Children’s Moment                                                                             David Krueger 

*Hymn                                              What Child Is This?                              No. 137

 Pastoral Prayer             

 Scripture Reading                                                                          Matthew 1:18-25

 Sermon                                               "God with Us"                    Rev. Robert Jolly *Hymn                                      Hark! the Herald Angels Sing                      No. 133 

*Benediction and Congregational Threefold Amen                                       No. 628
*Please stand.

December Ruling Elder: Will Carsten

December Deacons: Justin Kellahan, Hugh McCutchen


                                   Catechism Questions of the Week

Children’s Catechism # 72

How is Christ your king?

Christ rules over me, the world, and Satan, and he defends me.

Shorter Catechism # 72

What is forbidden in the seventh commandment?

The seventh commandment forbids all impure thoughts, words, and actions.


Evening of Christmas Music

6 PM ~ Sanctuary

Children’s Church & Nursery Schedule

Children’s Church (Suggested: 4K – 3rd Grade)

                                             December 22, 2024              December 29, 2024

    Children’s Church             Jolie Brown                           Emily Kellahan

    Sunday School Nursery    Claire Wise                           Missie McCutchen

    AM Worship Nursery         Justin & Tracy Kellahan         D. Nexsen & R. Rogers

    PM Worship Nursery          Cherryl Ann Smith               Blair Kellahan

Prayer List

Member Family Unit of the Week: Mary Kay Coker’s family

Please Pray For: Our Country and Our Troops: Rob Jolly and Trey Wiggins

Our College Students: Johnson Jolly, Walker Jolly, Conner Kellahan,

Joe Kellahan, Sarah Kensley Kellahan, Elise McCutchen, Anna Ney,

Abby Rodgers, Sydney Ann Smith, Wes Smith, Justin Tisdale, Kim Cox,

Our MTW Missionaries, Tami Rodgers, Kimbo Kellahan, Johnny McElveen,

Butch McFaddin, Glenn Bass, Amy Ard, Auddie Brown, Jackie Rion,

Johni McElveen, Andy McLeod, Elaine Culick, Crama Clarkson, Evelyn Boyd,

Kim Cox, Terry Laster, Steve Driskell, Ellerbe Ackerman, Gregg Blakely,

Roy Triplett, John Albright, Daniel Henderson, Chris Rose, Danny Cox,

Ann McCrorey, Marva Gail & David Rose, Debbie Thompkins, Holly Wall,

Rebecca Carson, Jackie Collier, Rev. Dennis & Jane Nolen, John Reynolds,

Yvonne Stuckey, Dayna Mason, Zach McKay, Whitman Spires, Mike Taylor,

Charlie Barwick, Rev. John Dodd, Rebecca Barrineau, Marilyn Crick



1. Make plans to attend KPC Evening of Christmas Music on December 22 @ 6PM. 2. KPC Candlelight Communion Service is December 24 @ 5:30 PM.

3. Please contact Susan Lawrimore to participate in the 2025 flower schedule.

4. We will open nominations for officers (Elders and Deacons) in January 2025.  Please prayerfully consider who to nominate.

5. Beginning January 12, we will offer a seminar during the Sunday School hour, "What it Means to be Presbyterian in the PCA." All are welcome, but we encourage newer members and inquirers to participate. The seminar will take place in the library for 4 to 5 consecutive Sundays.




  Poinsettias are to honor and

                       remember our loved ones


In honor of Bubba Hammet by Chalmers & Etta Hammet

In honor of Rev. John Dodd by Chalmers & Etta Hammet

In honor of Kim & Robert Jolly by Scott & Sandra Burgess

In honor of Tami & Dave Rodgers by Scott & Sandra Burgess

In honor of Blake, Anna, & Michael Burgess by Gene & Melony Burgess

 In honor of Robert & Kim Jolly by Marge Mahoney

In honor of Carol E. Brown by Mike & Louise Brown

In honor of the Ladies’ Sunday School Teachers: Nancy Kellahan, Faye Mathis, Ellen Bass

In honor of the Preschool Sunday School Teachers: Amy Wiggins, Cherryl Ann Smith, Deidra Holt

In honor of Dave & Tami Rodgers

In honor of Emmie Lou Kellahan by Chris, Louisa, & Tiller Kennedy

In honor of Kim & Robert Jolly by Stephanie & David Evans

In honor of our Church Family by Stephanie & David Evans

In honor of our children & grandchildren by Stephanie & David Evans

In honor of David & Marva Gail Rose by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Dave & Tami Rodgers & family by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Robert & Kim Jolly by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of David & Rebecca Krueger by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family  

In honor of Donna Sue Cox by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Butch & Glenn McFaddin & family by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Arthur & Ellen Bass & family by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Emmie Lou Kellahan & family by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Kim & Robert Jolly by Rosanne Rogers

In honor of Stephanie Braswell and Jonathan Braswell by Rosanne Rogers

In honor of Chalmers, Etta, & Bubba Hammet by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Jackie Rion & family by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Mike & Louise Brown & family by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Kimbo & Joni Kellahan & family by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Jeff & Susan Lawrimore & family by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of David & Rebecca Krueger by Rogers and Kimberly Harrell & family

In honor of Robert & Kim Jolly by Rogers & Kimberly Harrell & family

In honor of Wista Brown by Jeff & Susan Lawrimore

In honor of our children, grandchildren, & great-grandchildren by Jeff & Susan Lawrimore

In honor of our KPC family by Jeff & Susan Lawrimore

In honor of Robert & Kim Jolly by J. David & Marva Gail Rose

In honor of all KPC members by J. David & Marva Gail Rose

In honor of Luke & Amy Rogers by J. David & Marva Gail Rose

In honor of Ron Holt & family by J. David & Marva Gail Rose

In honor of Eddie Moore & family by J. David & Marva Gail Rose

In honor of James David Rose by Marva Gail Rose

In honor of David & Rebecca Krueger by Justin & Tracy Kellahan

In honor of Robert & Kim Jolly by Jamie & Cherryl Ann Smith

In honor of David & Rebecca Krueger by Jamie & Cherryl Ann Smith

In honor of Susan & Jeff Lawrimore by Jamie & Cherryl Ann Smith

In honor of Diane Nexsen & family by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of Scott & Sandra Burgess & family by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In honor of our Loved Ones & to the Glory of God by Glenn Rose McFaddin


In memory of Montie Nexsen by Diane Nexsen

In memory of Lois Martin by Gene & Melony Burgess

In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Burgess by Gene & Melony Burgess

In memory of Tracy, Bob, & Leonard Jonte by Marge Mahoney

In memory of Joe & Bep McElwee by Mike & Louise Brown

In memory of Idalyn S. Brown by Mike & Louise Brown

In memory of Will & Winnie Brown by Mike & Louise Brown

In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Auld by Mike & Louise Brown

In memory of Mr. & Mrs. S. Lewis Bell by Mike & Louise Brown

In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Stoll by Mike & Louise Brown

In memory of Russell Kellahan by Chris, Louisa, & Tiller Kennedy

In memory of Kathleen & W.D. Evans by Stephanie & David Evans

In memory of Ikey & Harris Brown by Stephanie & David Evans

In memory of Dee Evans by Stephanie & David Evans

In memory of Emiel Baker by Emily, Josh, Emelia, & Tanner Kellahan

In memory of Heyward Baker by Kee, Leesa, Avery, & Ellie Belue

In memory of W.D. & Kathleen Evans by Ben Evans

In memory of Ikey & Harris Brown by Ben Evans

In memory of Barbara Tomlinson by Will & Mayme Carsten

In memory of Chris Carsten by Will & Mayme Carsten

In memory of Parents & Loved ones by Eddie & Vivian Moore & family

In memory of Dr. Idalyn Stoll Brown by Carol Brown

In memory of our son, Robert Lawrimore, by Jeff & Susan Lawrimore

In memory of Leonard Jonte by Justin & Tracy Kellahan

In memory of Mr. & Mrs. F. S. Herbert, Sr. by Fred & Patty Herbert

In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Billy C. Tarlton by Fred & Patty Herbert

In memory of David Elliott Rose by Glenn Rose McFaddin

In memory of Rosemary, Jimmy & Becky Rogers by Rosanne Rogers

In memory of Mattie & Lewis Rogers & Edna Law by Rosanne Rogers

In memory of Mike, Cheryl, and Christie Horton by Rosanne Rogers

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